Published inBits and PiecesServerless JAMstack with NuxtJS, FaunaDB, GraphQL and NetlifyBuild a blog on a NuxtJS Jamstack. We will use Vue.js, TailwindCSS, NuxtJS, FaunaDB, GraphQL, and Netlify.Feb 21, 2022Feb 21, 2022
Published inThe StartupA Complete Guide to Creating a Chrome ExtensionIn this guide we are going to create Blinknotes, a lightweight app that uses NLP to summarize anything from news articles, research papers…Jan 19, 20211Jan 19, 20211
Published inDataDrivenInvestorCreate a text summarization API with flask, sumy, and trafilaturaText summarization APIs can be expensive, inconsistent, and inaccurate. Customize one for your use-case with these python libraries.Jan 4, 20211Jan 4, 20211
Published inThe StartupExploring GPT-3, the World’s Most Powerful Language ModelPreparing for our AI overlordsDec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020